whatsapp and electronic marketing

whatsapp and electronic marketing

  • 10-07-2016
  • info@7ololnet.com
  • Marketing


The concept of electronic marketing through WhatsApp


E-marketing through WhatsApp is the work of marketing the product or service to reach the largest number of users via WhatsApp through strategies and methods to be implemented and arranged to reach large numbers of users, its known that the number of users worldwide estimated to reach 1 billion per month, equal to 50 billion messages per day.

Imagine how large numbers can be targeted to be within your customers' circle and can target customers in areas close to you and with short-lived segments identified in short, this mean that whatsApp marketing is very effective and sometimes better than Very large marketing campaigns in terms of the amounts spent on them.


Whatsapp and electronic marketing


The most important advantages of e-marketing through WhatsApp.


Whatsapp and electronic marketing


  1. The amount spent on e-marketing via WhatsApp is very little compared to other marketing methods, either e-marketing or traditional marketing, or sometimes it is free but needs more effort and longer time in compiling lists of target customers.
  2. The number of users who open their messages is greater than the other means. If we compare the messages sent via WhatsApp to messages sent via e-mail, we find that the messages sent via WhatsApp are much more interesting than messages sent via e-mail.
  3. Ease of communication with customers in the event of problems, in addition to the ability to communicate gives the customer easy to know any details that want to know, which makes the opportunity to get out of the circle of targeted customers to become in the circle of existing customers.
  4. Easy to upload photos, videos, or ads through the message.
  5. Easy to use service and it can be transmitted through the WhatsApp on computer, tablet or mobile.



The most important disadvantages of e - marketing via WhatsApp.


Whatsapp and electronic marketing


  1. In the case of large companies with more than 4000 users, the process is more difficult to add or delete users because the program is still personal rather than commercial.
  2. Sending messages without permission is sometimes considered spam.
  3. Sometimes it is difficult to compile the lists of targeted customers that need specialists to work on their collection because it needs a lot of effort and time.


Whatsapp and electronic marketing


Electronic Marketing Methods via WhatsApp.


First method


There are some applications and programs that send very large numbers of messages which fools WhatsApp and does not consider it as spam messages but these programs are very expensive.


 Second method


Subscribing to some sites and special servers that give the advantages and services that enable you to send large numbers of messages at different times and work to compile lists of targeted users.











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